Care of new born puppies

                                Care of new born puppies


Caring for newborn puppies and kittens can be time-consuming and, at times, difficult work. It is quite a rewarding experience to see them progress from being defenseless babies to more independent, healthy animals.

 Care Of Newborn Puppies

 Determining Age

Newborn to 1 week: Umbilical cord may still be attached, eyes closed, ears flat.
2 weeks: Eyes closed, begin to open day 10-17 usually, scoots on belly, ears begin to open.
3 weeks: Eyes open, tooth buds forming, teeth may begin to erupt this week, begins to creep.
4 weeks: Teeth erupting begins to show interest in canned food, suck reflex progresses to lapping, walks.
5 weeks: Able to eat canned food. May begin to try dry food, able to lap. Walks well and starts to run.
6 weeks: Should be able to eat dry food, playful, runs, and jumps.


Care Of Newborn To 4 Weeks

Keeping newborns warm: From birth until approximately three weeks of age, puppies cannot regulate their own body temperatures. Chilling is extremely harmful. They need a constant supply of artificial heat (heating pad) if mom is not available to keep them warm.

Keep the animal(s) indoors in a draft-free room. If outside, they are subject to extreme temperatures, flea/tick/fire ant infestation and other animals that could harm them. For their bed, use an animal transport carrier. Line the inside of the kennel with towels. Place a heating pad under half of the kennel (not inside of the kennel). Turn the heating pad to medium. After 10 minutes half the towels should feel comfortably warm, not too warm or too cool. This allows the animal to move to an area which is most comfortable. For the first two weeks of life, place another towel over the top of the kennel to avoid any drafts. When the animal is four weeks of age, a heating pad is no longer necessary unless the room is chilly or drafty. If the animal has no littermates, place a stuffed animal and/or a ticking clock inside the kennel.

Keeping newborns clean: Mom dogs not only keep their litters warm and fed, but also keep them clean. As they clean, this stimulates the newborn to urinate/defecate. Neonates under two to three weeks of age usually do not spontaneously eliminate on their own. (Some do, but this is not enough to prevent possible stasis which can lead to infection). To help your newborn, use either a cotton ball or Kleenex moistened with warm water. Gently stroke the genital/anal area before and after feedings. If the animal does not go at this time, try again within an hour. Keep bedding clean and dry at all times to prevent chilling. If the animal does need to be bathed, we recommend a mild tear free baby or puppy shampoo. Bathe in warm water, dry with a towel and dry further with an electric hair dryer on low setting. Make sure the animal is completely dry before putting back into the kennel. If fleas are present, bathe as previously described. Do not use flea or tick shampoo as it can be toxic to neonates. If fleas are still present, consult your veterinarian. Anemia caused by fleas can be fatal if left untreated.

Feeding your newborn: Until the animal is four to five weeks old, bottle-feeding is necessary. There are formulas made especially for puppies. Human milk or formulas made for human babies are not suitable for baby animals. We recommend Esbilac for puppies and KMR for kittens. Baby animals should be fed every three to four hours. To mix dry formula, mix one part formula to three parts water. Microwave the water and then mix. Stir and check temperature. The formula should be lukewarm to warm. Hold the newborn in one hand supporting the animal’s chest and abdomen. Do not feed the animal like a human baby (lying on it’s back). It should be as if the animal was nursing from the mom dog/cat. You may notice that the animal will try to place its front paws on the palm of the hand holding the bottle. It may even “knead” as it feeds. Most animals will pull off the bottle when full or when needing to burp. Burp the animal. It may or may not take more formula. If the formula has cooled, warm it again and offer it to the animal. Most like it when it is warm versus cool.

If at any time there is too much formula being delivered, the animal will begin to choke. Stop feeding, wipe away excess formula from the mouth/nose. Lower the angle of the bottle when feeding so less formula will be delivered. If there is too much air being sucked in, increase the angle of the bottle so more formula can be delivered. Most nipples are not pre-holed. Follow the directions on the nipple box. If it becomes necessary to increase the size of the hole, either use small scissors to create a larger hole or use a hot large diameter needle to increase the hole size. Sometimes, the newborn will not readily take to a bottle. Try to offer the bottle at each feeding. If unsuccessful, use an eyedropper or syringe to give the formula. Slowly give the formula. If too forceful, the formula may be pushed into the lungs. Most baby animals will learn to bottle-feed.

Once the animal is approximately four weeks old, teeth begin to erupt. Once the teeth are present, and it is taking a full bottle at each feeding, or if it is chewing on the nipple rather than sucking, it is usually ready to begin taking solid food.

4 To 6 Weeks Of Age

Bedding: Refer to “Keeping Newborns Warm”. By age 4 weeks, the puppies is able to regulate their own body temperatures. Therefore, a heating pad is no longer needed. Continue to use the kennel for their beds. If space permits, place the kennel in an area where they may get out of their bed to play and exercise. (Usually a utility room, bathroom, kitchen). Beginning about this age, baby kittens will begin to use a litter box. Most cat litters are acceptable to use except for the scoopable brands which can be too easily inhaled or ingested. For puppies, place newspaper on the floor outside of their kennel. Puppies do not like to soil in their bed.

Feeding: Once the teeth have erupted at about four weeks of age, puppies may begin to eat solid foods. At age four to five weeks, offer either canned puppy/kitten food mixed with formula or human baby food (chicken or beef) mixed with formula. Serve warm. Feed four to five times a day if not taking a bottle. If still bottle-feeding, offer this at first 2 times a day and continue to bottle-feed at the other feedings. Slowly progress to feeding solid mixture more often, less bottle-feeding. At this age, the animal needs to have its face cleaned with a warm moistened cloth after feedings.

At age five to six weeks, the animal should begin to lap. Offer either canned kitten/puppy food or moistened puppy chow. Feed four times a day. Have dry puppy chow and a bowl of shallow water available at all times.

By six weeks of age, most puppies are able to eat dry food.


1. A Clean Environment

Newborn puppies will spend their first few weeks in the box or pen in which they were born, so it's important to choose wisely when preparing for their arrival. The space should offer enough room for the mother to lie down and stretch out comfortably without crushing the puppies, and she should be able to come and go freely while keeping the puppies contained. It should also be easy to access so that you can change out the bedding each day.

In these early days, Mom will clean up her pups' waste, but if it's a large litter she may need help keeping up. Around the end of the second week or the beginning of the third week, the puppies will open their eyes and become more active. Once they start to toddle about, you can move them to a larger pen with room to play, and bathroom cleanup will require more of your attention.

2. Warmth

New puppies can't regulate their body temperatures and must be protected from drafts, cautions the American Kennel Club (AKC). Although the puppies will snuggle up with their mom and each other for warmth, it's best to use a heat lamp during their first month of life.

The lamp should be placed high enough above the box to prevent any risk of burning the mother or her pups, and there should also be a cooler corner that the pups can crawl to if they get too warm. For the first five days, the temperature inside the pen should be kept at about 85 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. From days five through ten, gradually dial back the heat to 80 degrees, and then continue to reduce the heat little by little until it reaches 75 degrees by the end of their fourth week, suggests Pet place.

3. Nursing and Nutrition

During their first few weeks, puppies rely exclusively on their mother for their nutritional needs. Although she may be less active during this time, nursing uses up a lot of the mother's energy and her daily caloric requirements will be higher than normal, says the AKC. To ensure both mother and puppies receive adequate nutrition throughout the nursing stage, the mother should be fed several servings of a quality puppy food throughout the day. Your veterinarian can recommend the type and amount of food to feed your nursing mother.

It's important to keep an eye on the puppies' weight during this time. If you notice any of the puppies being underfed, you may need to keep an eye on them when it's time to nurse and make sure the smaller puppies latch onto the fullest nipples for feeding, says The Nest. Puppies who cry or whimper frequently may also be hungry and need more attention during feeding.

If the smaller puppies still don't show signs of healthy growth or weight gain, talk to your vet. It might be necessary to take over and bottle-feed them. It's also important to watch the mother for signs of mastitis, says Wag!, an infection of the mammary glands that can interfere with milk production. Signs of mastitis include red and swollen nipples and reluctance to nurse. The mother may even snap at the puppies when they try to eat. If you notice these signs, contact your vet right away.

By the fourth or fifth week, the puppies will start getting their teeth and the weaning process will begin as the mother's milk production slows. Once you notice the puppies starting to sample Mom's food, it's time to provide them with their own dish of puppy food.

4. Health

Young puppies are susceptible to disease and infection, so you'll need to keep a close eye on them. Newborn puppy care should include regular inspections to watch for signs of infection or poor health. Report anything unusual such as vomiting, diarrhea or a puppy who won't stand or eat to your vet.

Little puppies are also especially vulnerable to fleas and other parasites, says The Spruce Pets, so talk to your vet about appropriate parasite control. Although antibodies they receive from nursing will help protect them from illness in the early weeks, these antibodies wear off around six to eight weeks, which is when they will need to receive their first round of vaccinations

. Make sure you and all family members thoroughly wash your hands before interacting with these puppies to help reduce the risk of getting them sick from any bacteria that might be lying in wait on your hands.

5. Socialization

By the fourth week the puppies are ready to begin socializing with humans and other dogs. Weeks four through twelve are a critical window during which puppies need to learn about the world they'll inhabit so they'll become well-adjusted, happy dogs, says The Spruce Pets.

Poorly socialized puppies tend to grow into anxious dogs who may have behavioral problems, so whether you plan to keep the puppies or send them to good homes, it's important to cuddle and play with them, allow them to explore and play and expose them to as many new experiences as possible.

Newborn puppy care entails a lot of work, but these first several weeks go by in a flash. If your puppies end up being adopted, you'll be saying goodbye to them in no time, an event that is often bittersweet. Enjoy the pups while you have them, and when it's time to let go, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you gave them the best possible beginning.



Approximate birth weight (gms)

Toy breeds

Medium sized breed

Large breeds

Giant breeds




More than 700 gm





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