

  Canine distemper Canine distemper is a contagious and serious disease caused by the canine distemper virus. The virus attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems of dogs. All dogs are at risk of canine distemper. Those at particular risk include puppies younger than four months and dogs that have not been vaccinated against canine distemper virus. Canine Distemper Spread There are three ways dogs can get canine distemper: 1.    Through direct contact with an infected animal or object 2.    Through airborne exposure 3.    Through the placenta virus does not last long in the environment and can be destroyed by most disinfectants. That distemper-infected dogs can shed the virus for up to several months, putting dogs around them at risk.   Signs of canine distemper : As the virus spreads to the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, dogs typically develop the following clinical signs: Discharge from the eyes and nose Fever Coughing


  VACCINATION SCHEDULE FOR DOGS AGE DISRASES TO BE PROTECTED AGAINST 6 WEEKS     9 WEEKS   12 weeks   ANNUALY Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospira, Parvo, Parainfluenza and Carona (DHLPPiC)   DHLPPiC   DHLPPiC and Rabies   DHLPPiC and Rabies For Post-bite vaccination against Rabies, vaccinate on 0,3,7,14,21/28 and 90 days of bite. If possible, watch the animal whichhas bitten for 10 days and if it does not show any sign of Rabies, you may stop further doses. VACCINATION SCHEDULE FOR CATS AGE DISRASES TO BE PROTECTED AGAINST 8 WEEKS     11 WEEKS   ANNUALY Pan Leucopenia, Caci virus, Rhinotrachitis virus and Rabies   As above   As above Note: only healthy animals have to be vaccinated.           Better to deworm the pet before vaccination.           Aseptic procedure of vaccination has to be followed.

Care of new born puppies

                                 Care of new born puppies   Caring for newborn puppies and kittens can be time-consuming and, at times, difficult work. It is quite a rewarding experience to see them progress from being defenseless babies to more independent, healthy animals.   Care Of Newborn Puppies   Determining Age Newborn to 1 week : Umbilical cord may still be attached, eyes closed, ears flat. 2 weeks : Eyes closed, begin to open day 10-17 usually, scoots on belly, ears begin to open. 3 weeks : Eyes open, tooth buds forming, teeth may begin to erupt this week, begins to creep. 4 weeks : Teeth erupting begins to show interest in canned food, suck reflex progresses to lapping, walks. 5 weeks : Able to eat canned food. May begin to try dry food, able to lap. Walks well and starts to run. 6 weeks : Should be able to eat dry food, playful, runs, and jumps.   Care Of Newborn To 4 Weeks Keeping newborns warm : From birth until approximately three weeks of age, puppie


FOOD FOR DOGS Requirement of food ingredient in dogs : Nutrient Dog Protein   Fat   Calcium   Phosphorus   Iron (mg/kg BW)   Vitamin A (IU)   Zinc (mg/kg BW)   Vitamin D IU   Vitamin B1 mg   Choline mg 22%   5%   1.1%   0.9%   60   5000   50   500   1   1200   Sources:   Meat : 20-22% protein and 2-9% fat Egg   :  In egg there is avidine enzyme which nature is antidigestive so 1 egg daily (Boiling or mild      frying to destroys avidine). Cereals : It contain 12% moisture, 9-14% protein, 2-5% fat and 70-80% carbohydrates. Cereals have enough B1 and niacin, e.g. wheat, rice, oats and corn Fats and oils : Animal fats are portable to dogs as compared to vegetable and milk, fat and butter. Milk and milk product : lactose in milk is not so well-digested by canine so not include high level. Vegetable : rich in water an


                                       CALF MANAGEMENT AND HEALTH Calf are very weak regards to immunity. Death is most common in 1 month post delivery. So it's require special attention for health and survival. ATTENTION AFTER BIRTH After birth first take his\her weight.higher weight is better for survival. it is useful in winter and rainy season average weight of cow calf is 20-35  kg. average weight of buffalo calf is 30-40 kg First 8 hours calf needs more care, feed more mother's colostrum by suckling or by feeding bottle MORTALITY DURING 48 HOURS AFTER CALVING May be metabolic disease mostly hypoglycemia which cause hypothermia (below normal body temperature) may congenital deffect due to infection of E.coli MORTALITY DURING 28DAYS AFTER CALVING Immunoglobulin deficiency and septicaemia and viral(rotavirus) infections. Diarrhoea and pneumonia,naval ill, arthritis may occur due to failure of immunoglobulin transfer from intestine Calf mortality varies from country to countr

cold stress

  Hypothermia occurs when the body temperature drops well below normal   In general terms, with cattle,  mild hypothermia occurs with a body temperature of 30°C–32°C, (86°F–89°F),  moderate hypothermia at 22°F–29°C, (71°F–85°F) and  severe hypothermia below 20°C (68°F). In winter season it's common occuring problem with cattle because of low rearing mangment. Cold stress in cows  can occur when frigid temperatures cause muscle shivering, increased heart rate, and deeper breathing .  This can lead to an increased metabolism rate, which requires more nutrients and energy signs of cold stress in cows Decreased water consumption Lower respiration and heart rate Delayed return of ovulation Hypothermia Feeling cold to the touch Dullness Agalactia (sudden and dramatic milk drop) Ataxia Falling over Profuse diarrhea Farmer should know how to manage cattle in winter season 1. Animal should kept in closed place where there is good ventilation 2. No direct air flow which touch to animal 3.  I